God has called each of us unto salvation; with that same call, we have many callings with the same goal. The ultimate goal for the church is to advance, edify and exalt.
Advance the body of Christ ~ Edify the believer~ and Exalt the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
It is our hope that our ministry will be inviting to all who encounters it and you'll find a ministry place for your God-Given gifts. Please review the ministries below and see what spikes your interest. If interested, please select "join now" and a member of our ministry team will be in touch with you.
Please note: some ministries requires more devotional time than others but all requires you to have a relationship with the Lord; a committed prayer life and a life of spiritual feeding. As Paul encourages Timothy "to study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman needing not to be ashamed..", so we encourage you to do the same.

War "Roar" Cry
Intercessory Ministry
NuMotion Youth Department
We are raising up the next generation to stand for God.
Our youth are the next line of believers who will show the agape love to a nation. It is our responsibility to show them the way.
"Train up a child in the way he should go..." Pro. 22:6
If you would like to volunteer to teach youth bible study please contact us below. (requirements: Believe in Jesus Christ and have experience teaching youth)

Coming Soon!
Greeter Ministry